I've shared before that I am reading the book "7" by Jen Hatmaker. My friends Steph, Nicole and I are about to embark on a journey to increase  a Christ-like simplicity in our lives, reducing our excessiveness and hopefully become radically better people.
We officially start our journey on Monday, February 4th with Food. We will eat only 7 foods for the entire month (more to come on that soon).
Right now I am reading the book, praying and preparing myself for this transformation. I am currently on Month 6: Spending...I will live out this chapter in July. However, I am already thinking about the changes I will make and what I can start doing now. One day in this chapter has really struck me, Day 25. Jen talks about whether or not as Christians are we truly fasting or just feasting. I FEEL LIKE A DIRTBAG! I am very much feasting.
She says "At some piont, the church stopped living the Bible and decided just to study it." We are feasting our selves with Bible Study, Sunday School, Small Groups over and over and over. But at what point are we taking what the Bible is teaching us and putting it into action? This is me people...this is where I struggle. I a the queen of Bible studies...I try to do it all. But in the end what am I actually doing with the teachings of God's word. Am I serving others, if so how?
This is what I am learning by just reading this book, before even beginning my 7 month journey. I am learning that my world has for too long now been just about me. It's time to redirect my focus and start finding ways to serve others. To stop feasting on the Bible and truly fast from my selfishness.
I do not expect one day of the 7 month process to be easy. But what I am looking forward to is finding out what it is inside of me that is broken for others...what makes me weep. Where is God calling me to direct my servanthood?
I also want God to clarify what I truly should be doing and what someone else might be better at. You see I am really good and saying yes, I will help. But where I fail is in the follow through. I will show up to help, but a lot of the time, my heart is not really there, I am helping just to help and all to often I am helping because it makes me feel good, not because my gifts are reaching others. I don't want to be this person. I long for the opportunity to do something completely selfless.
Today, I close with this quote from the book that lingers with me...."Oh Lord, may we be focused on the least; a people balancing the fasting and the feast."
Today is the 3rd day this week that we have been iced or snowed in. Sometimes snow days can be fun. You know, the days when there isn't 30 mile an hour winds so you can bundle up with your kiddos and get some fresh air, maybe build a snow man. But these are not the kind of snow days we have been having around here. Sunday was ice city...no one really went anywhere.....it was nice to stay home after a busy weekend and "catch up". Then Monday the kids were home (well at my sisters) I ventured out and went to work, but most everything was canceled for the evening. We started getting really good at playing UNO and Phase 10. And now today is day 3 of being snowed in and call me a party pooper but I am bored out of my mind and so are my kids. We need fresh air. But since we can't (or won't) go out anymore today... we kept ourselve busy. I did make the trek to Parkersburg this morning to grab some work, some groceries and a few Valentine making supplies. Probably not the wisest thing I've done in my life, but I have driven on worse roads so that was good. I got back home around 11 to my children nearly killing eachother...after we got everyone reigned in we set to work. I am please to say we did accomplish somethings today. All Valentines are done and ready to go, Homework is done, Church Newsletters are done, Carly's 4H Record book is off to a good start, Laundry is caught up and now blog is done. I think I will snuggle up on the couch the rest of the night, eat some chips and queso, maybe do my Bible Study lesson or read "7"...but I am planning to let laziness take over for the rest of the day. Why because I am sick of snow days and there is just nothing else to do...BOO! Bring on the 70 degree days I am ready for you!
Ciara's Valentines, they say, I hope your day is "bubbling with fun" Happy Valentines Day...Bubble gum attached.
Carly's Valentines..they say...Please don't snicker...Have a Happy Valentines Day...Snickers attached.
Today I am inspired by song. I keep replaying the songs in my head from Winter Jam this weekend. This new one that I hadn't heard before keeps popping up...it's call Love, Love Love, by Sidewalk Prophets.
Check out this video....
My favorite part of the song is this verse:
Read about a man who came in to this world
Loving every man, woman, boy and girl
Hung out with some folks that would make you stare
Saying come as you are, you’re welcome here

Spent His life with the least of these
Died on a cross between two thieves
And on the third day the stone rolled away
He beat back death so we could say
Love love love
Love love love
Love love love
Goes that far
Love love love
Love love love
So love love love
With all your heart

I am so thankful today for the love of my Savior. Thank you Jesus for loving me as I am and for filling my heart with your love to share with those I encounter in my life here on earth. I pray that your love can be seen through me! I love you with all my heart!

Whew...what a weekend! It's been a couple of days since I've posted, mostly because I haven't had a chance to sit down for the past 3 days...until today (thank you ice storm...I needed today).
Our weekend started with the A-P High School basketball games Friday night, this is a family activity that we've added this year. We haven't attended many games in the past and honestly I still don't know that many of the players, but I have very much enjoyed watching anyway and visiting with friends in the crowd. I know there are big debates about how much focus on sports there should be for  families these days...but the facts are we live in a very sports minded community and this is where we gather with our friends and families and support each other. I wonder is if its worse to go out to a ball game as a family and sit and watch the children of our friends or sit at home where we are all seperately plugged into our electronics or seperated into different rooms doing different things or even watching mindless television, because honestly that's what our "family" nights usually end up being. So I think getting out of the house, supporting our friends, visiting with our neighbors is not such a bad thing to do...I like it!
So that was Friday....Saturday while my husband worked all day at the tax office (bless him for working so hard for our family)...I loaded up the kids and we went to Carson's first of 6 indoor soccer games. Are we becoming soccer junkies??  I think so! Are we loving it? YUP! Check out the picture...this is Caron's team playing. It's a different thing the indoor soccer, but very fun to watch...it was an intense game, they ended up with a score of 14-14, we'll take it! Great job boys!
After the soccer game Cory's parent's picked up kids 2, 3, 4 (yes we do call them by number sometimes...I know not cool...but there's just so many of them....ahhh!) Anyway, they picked up the younger ones and Cory and I took off for Des Moines with Carly and her friend Molly to see Winter Jam 2013. All I have to say is it was AWESOME!! One thing Cory and I LOVE to do together is concerts. We try to get to 1 or 2 a year. Winter Jam was the way to go, we saw Capital Kings, OBB, Jason Castro, Royal Tailor, Newsong, Sidewalk Prophets, RED, Matthew West, Jamie Grace and TOBY MAC!!!! I loved every second of it. It was a late night, but very worth it. We were fortunate to get in as the Wells Fargo Arena was packed with about 17,000 people and 400 didn't get in, 50 of those were youth kids from A-P...crazy!! Here are a few picks from that event.
Toby Mac...right in front of us!!
Carly & Molly waiting for the show to start.
So after all that excitement this weekend...I was actually pretty happy to be "iced in" today...we got caught up on sleep, house got cleaned, bills paid, supper at moms and now relaxation before we start again with the busy days tomorrow! Whew....what a weekend!
It took me a while tonight to think of what I would write about. It's been a whirlwind of a day...I feel like I ran a marathon today...but nope just a gazillion errands!

As I am sitting here thinking about what to write my husband walks by and I am instantly reminded of a hilarious story about our 4 year old Ciara. I have to back up just a bit and tell you that for those of you that do not know, my husband Cory has worked as a part-time tax preparer for Dennis Ihde for the past 10 years...he just began his 11th tax season. Most people dread a second job, but not Cory, he lives for this time of the year every year, it's definitely one of his gifts and passions. Anyway, so Cory picked up Ciara from AWANA Wednesday night and one of her leaders pulled him aside and said "I have to tell you the hilarious thing Ciara said tonight." Oh brother, here we go. Our children are known for saying some crazy and embarrasing things...don't even get me started on the stories we have about Carson! But back to Cici.....she proceeds to tell Cory that they were learning about Zaccheaus at AWANA, Zacchaeus is a tax collector in the Bible...you know the little guy that waits in a tree to see Jesus and Jesus calls him down from the tree and invites himself over to his house to save him and ask him to repent....yeah that guy. So the AWANA teacher asks "Does anyone know what a tax collector is?" and of course Ciara raises her hand..."I do" she says "They are the ones that steal all the money." Oh my!!! We laughed our buns off over this.

So, when nothing else inspires you just talk to your children they always have something "cute" or embarrassing to say....at least mine do!
Sometimes it's only Tuesday and the week has already gotten the best of you...that's what happened yesterday...by the time I got to sit down for the first time at 9:00 pm I was done for! My mind was shot so I did what I do best when I am tired and overwhelmed...I park my butt on the big comfy couch and watch Parenthood. I just started watching that show this season and it sucked me right in. I am intrigued by the sense of family the Braverman's have I love how Zeke and Camille are kind of the glue that holds the family together...whenever one of the kids or grandkids are having trouble they stop home and see what mom and dad have to say...and they never fail to offer sound advice. I love it. It just seems to really represent what families are like these days. The one thing that's missing is their love for Jesus...if they all had that piece the show would be perfect. Wouldn't it be a  realy television shocker if someone came up with a show that showed the real life of a Christ centered family....what would that do to the world? Maybe someday one of my children will become a TV producer and make millions showing the world how real families live for Christ....I think I might start praying for that.

Anyway, all of that doesn't have a lot to do with what I was really going to post about today (it was all just my excuse for not posting yesterday...and my endless need to digress)! So here is what my wheels are turning about this week. I am attending a ladie's Bible study on Monday evenings, we are studying the book of Nehemiah in a study with Kelly Minter. I am IN LOVE with this study!! Between this study and the book
"7" that I am currently reading by Jen Hatmaker...I am feeling God work in me. I have never really been that much of a want what everyone else has kind of person....who am I kidding I am totally that way...ugh! Probably what I am more of is just your average poor me, why can't we catch a break, why did God choose our family to be the ones who have to live paycheck to paycheck in a 900 square foot house kind of gal! Someone once said to me that God didn't make us wealthy because He knew we couldn't handle it....I actually totally agree with that. You see I suck at managing money...just ask my Hubby...I like to spend. This is exactly where God is working in me....he is teaching me as I look around my house that even though I don't have what Jo Neighbor has....I have an overabundance of STUFF that I DON'T EVEN USE!! How wasteful have I been with the things I have been given. How careless I have been with the money God has entrusted me with. SHAME ON ME!! And people I am here to tell you that Cory and I are doing some serious praying over this....we need to change and we WILL CHANGE. We don't like the path that we have been on in this area and we are about to divert. So, I am just going to tell you right now....this year is going to be different for us...I hope you notice change, or maybe not, maybe I hope that you don't notice so that I will realize it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about the house we live in, the cars we drive, the clothes we wear...but what does matter is how we use the gifts God has given us.
So I am praying that God will show me my sin...especially in the materialistic area of my life. Forgive me Father for being careless with your gifts, show me grace and mercy and give me the wisdom and tools that I need to change the path I am currently walking and head towards you
First of all, I need to say...God is good...ALL THE TIME! After the events of yesterday and some prayer time...I had let go and let God....and God showed up like he always does! This morning I got a phone call and an apology...which I don't think was actually necessary, but nevertheless still appreciated. So I am telling you people...just give it to God no matter what it is and he will take care of it!

Now, I am certain that after attending Bible study tonight with my girls I will have something much more inspiring to share, however I also have Church Volleyball after Bible study so won't get home until too late to blog! So today I am sharing what I learned from playing UNO with my 3-year old.

I have decided that if you need to "catch up" on those quality learning moments that you are supposed to be spending with your young children daily, but you know life steps in and a month passes by and you realize oh crap...i haven't taught my child anything in 30 days....just whip out the UNO cards and get playing.

Here is what I have decided can be learned through a simple game of UNO: Numbers, Colors, Patience, Taking turns, sportsmanship and hand eye coordination skills and probably more. I was delightfully surprised at how well my daughter picked up on many of these skills through just a few rounds of UNO. The little stinker even beat me fair and square one game! I will admit it took a lot of patience on my part, however that's what I love about family game night at our hosue...we (Cory and I), shut off the TV and phones and just give ourselves to the kids for those few hours...its always a night that we enjoy as a family...and patience is not a problem when our focus is completely on them.

I love me some UNO!
As I write tonight my heart is heavy. I am trying to sort through getting my feelings hurt today verses what I know to be true. First I have to say my feelings were hurt because I was told something that was said about me, not intended to be a personal attack, but when I heard about it, it sure felt like one.
So here is my dilema....do I have a right to have my feelings hurt in the first place? Why am I letting this bother me, when in reality it shouldn't because what was said doesn't really matter or affect my future in any way? Why, because I am human and sinful and I am currently letting satan have a hold on me in this area, when I should be letting it go and giving it to God.
What I am afraid of is that if I give it to God, he will remind me that I too have said things about people, friends, family, whoever that have been hurtful. I too have questioned things about others that really don't matter. I too have caused strife for others, not intending to be personal attacks, when they probably sure felt like it to those people.
Jesus reminds me in His word  in John 8:7 "When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin to be the first to throw a stone at her."
How can I be upset about this unintended hurtful act, when I have not been without sin of my own? How dare I throw a stone that I don't have a right to throw. The Bible also tells us in Proverbs 20:3 "It is to one's honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel." I have no desire to quarrel about this, and for that I am thankful. My relationship with this person is worth far more than unnecessary strife and foolish quarreling.
So tonight, I am indeed giving this to Jesus. Jesus FORGIVE ME for beeing so selfish and so childish in my ways. Fogive me for be hurt and angry in an unwarranted situation. Father, I pray that you will take this heaviness from my heart and turn it into thankfulness for your love and care and for the many positive relationships in my life and for the people I am blessed with that encourage me and support me in my walk with you. Thank you for your Son and for the gift of forgiveness. I pray also that my words in the future will be guarded, that I will be more mindful of what comes out of my mouth and who it might put in this very situation. AMEN!
Carson is the one in red!
Two years ago our son decided to go out for wrestling. I was ecstatic...you see in high school I was a wrestling cheer leader and I LOVE wrestling. It's so intense and exciting I can hardly contain myself. So I thought here we go my little man is going to go out there and kick some butt on the mat and I am going to be a proud wrestling mama.....unfortunately God had other plans...you see my son is a bit hot headed and likes to win of course....if it's easy. Don't get me wrong there are many things he is amazing at...wrestling just needs more time. So that first year when he was just 6 years old, he got pinned and pinned and pinned again, so many pins in fact that he was DONE, no more wrestling for him. I was first devastated, then humbled....I had placed him at the top of the bracket before his first match ever began and I was given a nice little lesson on pride.
So we took a year off and this year now 8 years old, he decided to give it another whirl. This time both of our attitudes were a little different. Since we knew what to expect we were able to coach him more at home and be more encouraging in the areas he responds the best. I also had quite a change of heart. I had to prepare myself for the reality that he probably won't win every match and that's ok....ouch! So today we spent the morning at the annual Little Falcon Wrestling tournament. First match a bye...whew! Second match he wreslted hard and won by points. I hugged him hard, said "That's my strong boy" and held back the tears of pride! Third match..another win for him and a tumble down the road of pride for me....here we go again...he was already in first place in my mind and had  2 matches to go...but no need to worry my rediculously awesome and unstoppable son was about to go clean up 2 more matches......yup I jumped the gun....again! Fourth match...a tough competitor, Carson held his own but ended up with a loss. Not to worry 2nd place is practically first anyway right...wrong! Final match let's just say God stomped on my pride and that "P" word happened again....there were tears (Carson's not mine). Insert humility here! Yup, God had other plans for our day, he would once again teach me that the only person that should be on the podium in my mind is HIM. I know he's not telling me to love my children less...but he certainly is telling me to love him more! And so I do, I love him more today knowing that he will always catch me when I slip back into that prideful mama mode and remind me that HE is my #1, my other two guys are tied for a close 2nd!
Nevertheless we had a great day. Carson really has shown improvement since 2 years ago, he ended up with a 3rd place trophy and we all celebrated the end of a great day with supper from Stinky's!
I am the type of person that always likes to try new things. I am pretty sure I've tried about a gazillion diets (oh yeah I like to make up words too)...I am actually doing a 7 day "cleanse" right now....yup I HATE IT!
I like to "dabble" in crafting, scrapbooking, cooking, gardening, excercising, reading...you know all the things that make up a perfect wife and mother...let's just say I am a jack of all trades but 100% definetely a master of NONE!! I have been told I am organized, poignant, stylish...and most days I try to be...but let's get real people...I am NOT perfect and sometimes (more than you might realize) I am down right LAZY! I am crazy about a lot of things, the ones that instantly come to mind are my family (adore each and every one of them), Bible Studies (especially the lady variety with lots of chatter), some amazing girlfriends, marraiges (a passion), and my SAVIOR JESUS!

So what does any of that have to do with anything...it doesn't but it does explain why I have decided to start this blog...because I have been trying for years to journal..doesn't work...I think I even tried to blog once before...failure...but that was then and this is now and my life is a little different now and I think, I hope, this will be a great way for me to unload all of the thoughts that run through my head on a daily basis. While also sharing with our family and friends some amazing things happening in our life.

So I hope you enjoy the blog and I hope for the sake of all involved that I actually follow through with this...yet another "great idea" I have! Stay tuned.......


    I am Jen (mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend and SERVANT). Welcome to my blog. This is where I unload my thoughts and inspirations! I recently asked several of my friends and family to describe me in one word and this is what I got....ORGANIZED (#1), Dependable (#2), Honest, Sincere, Genuine, Thoughtful, Energetic, Stylish (not sure agree with this one), and one word that I actually do agree with...UNSETTLED! I am always searching for something it seems, one thing I do know for sure is that I am a child of God and no matter what I search for here on earth....my search will end one day when I meet my Saviour face to face in Heaven. So enjoy the blog....I hope you find the descriptions of me to be true...there are probably a few that weren't submitted that are also true...welcome to me!


    July 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013