Media fast is over....hmmm! Here is what I didn't like about the media fast.....its stupid really...but I just plain missed my mindless tv time and social media stalking....could I do it again and live without those 2 things if necessary..ABSOLUTELY! Here is what I LOVED about the fast...our kids did not complain once, they just found other things to do. Lots of coloring, reading, imaginative play, lego building and laughing took was beautiful. I managed to stay on top of things around the house, keep up (actually work ahead) on my Bible study lessons, read a book and just enjoy the peace. We have had the media back for about 2 days now and honestly we've hardly turned the tv on except for later evening when we are ready to relax. I think this was good for us, I think we realized that we don't need or want all of the distractions. Will we eliminate them all completely...ever.....not likely...but I do think we will use all of them less for sure! So media fast all in all was a success.
Moving on...WASTE....from now until April 13th (and hopefully beyond) we are finding 7 ways to reduce/reuse/recycle and eliminate some waste. Here is my 7.....
1. Save plan: use recycled milk cartons to place "extra" water (by extra I mean what we don't drink from a glass, pasta water drained, leftover coffee...etc.) and use this saved water to feed my garden and plants later this spring and summer.
2. Utilize natural play: shut off lights when room not in use, open curtains,etc.
3. Less plan: try to combine trips, use 1 vehicle as much as possible, walk more!
4. Reusable grocery bags...enough said.
5. Reuse plan: stop buying ziplock baggies and reuse butter tubs, tupperware, etc.
6. Recycle plan: we already initiated this but we haven't always been the best recyclers so we now have bins for paper, plastic, cardboard and aluminum and we will be recycling much more!
7. plan: make a homemade compost bin out of a plastic tub....all excess food goes there with dirt/water for my garden.
 I am kind of ashamed that I haven't already been doing a lot of these things....I have been treating our planet poorly and wasting money in so many ways....this one is going to be fun...I can't wait to see the fruits of this experiment!


    I am Jen (mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend and SERVANT). Welcome to my blog. This is where I unload my thoughts and inspirations! I recently asked several of my friends and family to describe me in one word and this is what I got....ORGANIZED (#1), Dependable (#2), Honest, Sincere, Genuine, Thoughtful, Energetic, Stylish (not sure agree with this one), and one word that I actually do agree with...UNSETTLED! I am always searching for something it seems, one thing I do know for sure is that I am a child of God and no matter what I search for here on search will end one day when I meet my Saviour face to face in Heaven. So enjoy the blog....I hope you find the descriptions of me to be true...there are probably a few that weren't submitted that are also true...welcome to me!


    July 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013