Why is it that after a big event you find yourself just exhausted? This weekend we hosted The Art of Marriage at our church. It was an amazing weekend. The weather cooperated! We had 25 couples attend. Many marriages were enlightened. At least one person was saved. And I cried...in Cory's book that is a success alone! It was wonderful, God was present no doubt. But now 2 days after I am still exhausted. I haven't yet been able to wrap my mind around everything I learned and took in over the weekend, not sure what the next steps are for our marriage, if any...I guess we just keep on keepin on.
My prayer today is that God will refresh my spirit. Guide me to know what is next. I am still working on the 7 project, still wearing just 7 articles of clothing and learning each day the challenges and spiritual rewards associated with that endeavor. So other than continuing 7 and keeping up with the kids and life, what is next? What does God have in store for us, where is he leading us? This is my prayer today, that God will reveal to me what he has for me next and that I will be open to hear his call!
In three short days, Cory and I will have the privaledge of hosting an event called "The Art of Marriage". We attended this event a couple of years ago ourselves and it is has been a passion of ours to bring it to our home church, First Congregational Church in Parkersburg. Well the time is finally here, this Friday and Saturday we will host the 6-sesssion video event. We have 26 couples registered to attend, 15 children to be cared for by our 12 childcare workers, food, praise and worship, and amazing experiences planned....it is truly going to be an amazing weekend for everyone there.  We have been praying for this for a long time now and I keep getting asked what specifically can be prayed for in regards to this event. I keep telling people to just pray for a good weekend and that couples will be blessed, but today I feel like I know what we really need to pray for. We need to pray that the master of lies is defeated! We need to pray that marriages are uplifted, encouraged, healed, mended and that divorce is eliminated. I don't know that anyone attending the event is actually having a marriage related issue and that's ok, my hope is that there aren't any. But if there is someone coming that might be struggling, I want them to know that I am praying specifically that whatever hold satan has on their marraige will be severed. I pray that they will be bound to Christ and that he will strengthen them and get them through whatever it is they suffer from. I also pray for those that might have thriving marriages, but struggle with the small things each day. We all too often get hung up on the small things and wouldn't it be wonderful if we could learn some amazing tips on how to overcome the least of our issues. I pray that couples will know they are not alone no matter what season they are going through in their marriage. Hope, healing, and happiness are always possible, it just takes effort and by being there this weekend they are putting in the effort. And finally, I pray that the forecasters are wrong and the snowstorm will just move on away from us. I don't want a little snow to be a hinder to what God has in store!
Well I wish I could say that I made it through the first 2 weeks of 7 without a flaw, but I am  a sinner, I am full of flaws and I didn't quite make it through the entire 14 days without cheating once (or twice). But I did learn a few lessons. First, I learned that I am able to sacrifice if I put my mind and heart to it. Second, I learned that I actually like eating healthier, it's a definite challenge, but does have it's rewards. I dropped 5 lbs, I feel better and I GAVE UP COFFEE...I am on day two of the next focus group and I haven't desired for coffee yet. I hope that I have outgrown that crutch...please continue to pray for strength in this area. Finally, I learned that I am not all that inspired by food. I do hurt for the children everywhere that go hungry everyday. I wish I could do more to help them. I feel kind of helpless really. I don't have the resources I wish I did to give in the ways they need. What I do have is a more thankful heart for the fact that my own children don't have to go hungry. While I may not be able to provide for other children around the world, God has blessed us enough to take care of our own family right here. So am I broken in this area, maybe not...but I am certainly blessed and thankful.
As I said, we started the Clothes mission on Sunday. We will, for the next 14 days, wear just 7 articles of clothing, including shoes, but not including undergarments and socks. I'll be honest it was a difficult process for me to pick just 7 things. I definitely have sin in this area. I'm and just 2 days in and I've already realized how much effort and focus I put into what I wear each day, I am almos t ashamed. My closet may get significantly reduced after these 2 weeks. I may be disgusted in myself but I have a feeling that God is going to start my breaking process with this challenge....keep praying!!
Thank goodness for Christian music! I have been listening to Matthew West lately, there is a song on his new CD called "Do Something"....this is my new theme song. I have decided that whenever I get sidetracked with my sin on this journey, I will first pray and second...pull out the Matthew West CD...I hope it inspires you as much as it has inspired me!
The other day I wrote about how things had been kind of peaceful around here lately. Cory is working a lot, kids activities are winding down and we are just going about our day to day activities with not much excitement just waiting for spring. I can't help but chuckle right now at how one day we can be just blah and the next BAM! Let me explain....The first half of our week was very peaceful, normal, boring....then Valentine's Day hit...it must be a thing about holidays, they induce stress and crabiness. Anyway, our Valentine's day started out much like normal, Cory (my AMAZING husband) left me a note beside my bed and a deck of cards that had 52 reasons why he loves me on them....no flowers or anything else necessary, he knew exactly what would make me love him and that was it....if I haven't said it before I LOVE THIS MAN!! We proceeded through our day, gathered for our annual family Valentine Spaghetti dinner complete with chocolate milk served in wine glasses, our best dishes, a yummy supper and dessert (which is a special treat at our house since usually making supper is difficult enough for me, not to mention dessert). Then later in the evening Cory and I were talking about our days and the spiral began...downward...our conversation turned into an argument and before we knew it he was in bed angry and I was on the couch angry....Happy Freaking Valentines Day right! Well the spiral continued because of course I was grumpy the next morning (yesterday) so I got into a tiff with child #4 who to her defense has not been feeling well all week, but I was not in a feeling sorry for her mood so I flew off the handle about something rediculous (unfortuantely I have this problem)...so my Friday was not off to a good start and I don't know about you, but for me I tend to let one bad moment ruin most of my day..I have a hard time refocusing.

So the spiral continued...my sister called with some disturbing news and a misunderstanding turns into a knock down drag out fight among a couple of girlfriends...I am still trying to figure out at what time I stepped into the tme machine and redeposited myself back in 2nd grade....so the sprial continued, UNTIL JESUS STEPPED IN. At one point during my day yesterday I had an idea that maybe if I prayed about this rotten day, just maybe Jesus would do something and it would get better. So I took a few minutes while folding bulletins at church and I poured my heart and my rotten day out to God. And just as I had expected things started to change after that....I started to change. Suddenly I realized that I was the problem with almost all of the issues I was facing during the last 12 hours...I need to step down from my crabby throne of selfishness and repent. Amazingly after a while my day did get better, things simmered with Cory and I, apologies were given and we returned to our much happier, loving state of mind. I remembered that my little girl was sick and so I offered my affection and snuggles to her, and the girlfriend situation...well lets just say it changed...not immediately.....some things are still getting worked out today, but it will get there, because in the end we are all Christians and we all know what is right and we will get there, we always do.

What I learned in the last 24 hours is that once again...I am the reason for most of the conflict in my life. Just when I think I have it all under control and nothing could go wrong (you know I get up on my high horse), Jesus steps in and says "wait just a minute young lady" and throws me a curve ball or in this case a tunnel to hurl myself spiraling down! He reminds me that HE is King of my life NOT me and everything I say or do needs to be run through Him first, not through selfish me! He reminds me in Philippans 2:3 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves."  and in Matthew 6:33 "Seek ye first HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Father, forgive me for persuing my selfish ambitions for being stuck on ME, for judging others, unrighteously. Forgive me for not seeking you FIRST. Father I ask that you step into my life and continue to remind me when I am getting ahead of myself or in my own way. Father help me to seek YOU first and YOUR righteousness and to value all others (especially my husband, children and close friends) above myself. I am yours Lord, thank you for reminding me that once again, it's not all about me! AMEN
I am thankful right now that we, by we I mean the kids and I,  are in a season of quietness and rest with nothing very dramatic going on, while it makes for long winter days and evenings, it does help prepare us for what is to come (hopefully very soon), SPRING! However, this time of year is absolutely insane for my poor husband....he works 50 hours a week at his "day job" and then works another 20 or so at his "other job", plus bless his heart he helps keep up on laundry and dishes and even gives me a night off every Monday so I can go to Ladies' Bible Study and Volleyball. I might be the organized one with the calendars and the schedules, I might run after the kids a lot, I might be home with them more, but he is the one who keeps the wheels on this thing. Without my husbands amazing leadership over our family we would be a sad mess. While he is away this evening working so that we can have more than we deserve, I GET to be home with our 4 remarkable children. I GET to help them with their homework , I GET to read them stories and tuck them in to bed. I GET to do all that. As much as I wish he was here with me to help me, I am thankful that I am able to serve him in this way. To keep our home a place of peace and joy that he can come home to after a long day of working 2 jobs. There are many single mothers out there and many wives that have "absent" husbands. My prayer for you tonight is to know that all of the things you do for their families are not for nothing. God is watchiing over you and smiling on you for serving your family. I know it is easy to complain and be angry or depressed by the situation you are in....trust me I a KNOW....I all too often forget what a blessing my man is. And although it might take effort to put a smile on your face or set aside something that is a priority to you, your family will notice, they need you to be there for them and support them.
I am thankful that I have a husband who loves me and our children so much that he is willing to work 2 jobs to support us. I am thankful for his widsom, his patience, his leadership, his loving words, his broad shoulders (so he can be my pack mule of course), his sense of humor, and mostly his incredible ability to forgive and love unconditionally. I am thankful that on June 2, 2001 I was joined forever with the one man God created just for me!
Last night I gave Cory his Valentines gift early...I treated him to a fun "almost" free date. I promised on facebook that I would share so here goes.......
And we are off....thank you Olivia (our amazing babysitter....also one of the expenses for the night...but worth it) for taking our picture only 4 tries needed...we got a keeper!
Cory was a trooper...we made a quick pit stop at Hobby Lobby before the fun began...thanks baby!
Dinner at Applebees..."mostly" free thanks to a gift card....and yes I "mostly" kept within my 7 rules for the evening.
The REVEAL...Cory had no idea what the plans for the night were...my surprise...he is liking the news! So the "Activity" for our FREE date is a preplanned scanvenger hunt around Barnes & Noble....keep reading......
First stop the RECIPES...we each chose a recipe we would like to make for eachother. Cory chose a sausage/pancake sandwich with apple syrup...he has this craving for a pancake and pork sandwich...whatever!
I chose Chicken Tortilla soup....yummo..I WILL be making this soon!
Next stop QUIZZES..Cory took a Quiz about what type of date he would like...ended up with a Dinner date...sorry babe...hope this is close enough?!
My quiz was "Are you a good girlfriend"....well of course...and I am an OUTSTANDING wife!!
On to CHILDREN'S BOOKS...We each found a book that we read as a child...Cory chose Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss.
I chose The Little Red Hen...mostly because it was a Golden Book...my Dad used to bring us home a new Golden Book once a week and we would sit and read them together...a very cherished memory!
Next up...JOKES...we laughed a lot in this section...Cory found a book of Jimmy Fallon's Thank You Notes....HILARIOUS!
I chose a book of random jokes...the particular page we found funny was different ways to say "Your Fly is Down".
Moving on to TRAVEL...Cory chose ROME...he has a fascination with gladiators I guess!
I chose...Hawaii...and yes I am dreaming in this picture....Palm Trees, Beaches, Luaus and Leis I will spend time with you....SOMEDAY!
Final Stop...POETRY...I read Cory a poem that expresses my love for him....um I can't remember what it was called...hmmm is that bad??
Cory randomly grabbed a poetry book off the shelf and opened it to a poem called "Jenny Kissed Me"....bet he couldn't do that again...how fitting!
After all that fun at the bookstore we grabbed some icecream to celebrate our SWEET date night....yup I took a leave of absence from 7 for this portion of the date....I couldn't not eat icecream with my main man on our Valentines date!
So there you have it...our "mostly" free, but completely FUN date night...thank you http://www.thedatingdivas.com/ for inspiring me. Happy Valentines Day a little early baby! Love you like CRAZY!!
Tonight I met with our "7 Council", Steph, Nicole and me. I am overjoyed by the suggestion from Nicole that we shorten the 7 months to 14 weeks. We will spend 2 weeks on each area. Here is how are schedule looks:
Feb. 4-16: FOOD
Feb. 17-March 2: CLOTHES
March 17-30: MEDIA
March 31-April 13: WASTE
April 14-27: SHOPPING
April 28-May 11: STRESS
We will take 2 weeks for each area and focus on them. After our 14 weeks we hope to share our experience with a summer 9-week Bible Study Version for others in our church. Please pray that God will teach us enough to share and that others will want to take this journey again with us this summer. 

I was honestly super happy for the suggestion to shorten this for 2 immediate reasons: 1. I am not enjoying this food change so much...it is truly a challenge. I don't like eating healthy (which is obvious by my physical appearance) 2. I was having anxiety already about the clothes month. (please don't judge me) However, I am now feeling guilty about being happy to reduce this experiment because its only 3 days in and I am already missing the point! I have been so consumed the past 3 days with what I will eat, how to prepare it, fighting off hunger pains and an annoying caffeine headache. I have completely missed the point of this entire month. There are children not just around the world, but right here in our own community that go days or more without ANYTHING to eat There are starving people everywhere and I am sitting here spoiled with my 7 choices and an abundant amount of each choice. Not to mention the fact that my own kids and husband refuse to do this part with me and are complaining about the multitude of foods they get to enjoy whenever they want! My heart has not broken yet over this, I am still stuck in the "me" of it. What I am afraid now is that when this part is up, will I go back to my selfish ways and not think twice? I need God to move a mountain in me right here, right now. I need this time to really hurt not just for me, but for those starving children everywhere. BREAK ME GOD, BREAK ME, I BEG YOU!

At a time like this when I am sick of myself, the only thing to do is to turn the Bible for guidance. The first verse that comes to mind without even opening it up (of course this could come first, since this whole thing is about me anyway...grrr...I hate me!) Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." This is only 2 weeks for pete's sake...I can do this, get over yourself Jen, suck it up and do it!!
The next passage comes from Matthew 25:37-40 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we
see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see
you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in
prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." I may not be able to give financially to feed the poor and hungry of the world, what I am doing right now is giving of myself to Jesus. I am showing him through my fast and sacrifice that I do care. My heart does hurt for the hungry. I will find a tangible way here in my area to serve him and serve the hungry before this 7 experiement is over, that is my goal....I will be selfless. But for today and probably over the next week and half I will continue to go without in Jesus name and for the sake o

Usually when I want to start something new I am prepped and ready to go. I have all my ducks in a row, supplies purchased, plan in place...I just go when it's time to go. However, it is already completely evident to me that God is going to be 100% in control of this "7" adventure....why because today I seem to have no control of anything!!!

Let me back up 24 hours and tell you how this all began. You see yesterday afternoon our carbon monoxide detector went off, we evacuated the house and called the gas company. Sure enough we had a leak and our furnace (on it's last leg) was the culprit. Seeing it was Sunday we agreed with the heating & cooling man and the gas man to shut off the gas, stay somewhere else for the night and deal with it today. Because Monday is not a bad enough day as it is...lets add this stress....DUH!

With all this rigamarole AND the superbowl party we went to that kept us up much later than usual on a Sunday night AND the fact that I needed to pick up a few more groceries  to be ready for today but didn't get it done...needless to say my day, my start to "7" has not gotten a great start. However, I am doing my best to stay under control. I have eaten only eggs, bananas, carrots and water so far today. My head is throbbing right now...I am still uncertain about the status of our furnace. Sounds like it is temporarily fixed to get us through the rest of the winter but a new furnace will be needed for next year. And I may or may not be PMSing...which for me means TOTAL CRABBINESS. Ok so I lied...I do not have it under control I am about to burst.....into tears!!! I am not a fan of Mondays and today just doesn't seem to be going anywhere good. Oh yeah did I mention that on my way home from work I rolled down the window in the car to drop mail in the box and it wouldn't roll back up so I drove 7 miles  in the FREEZING cold with the window down. And one more thing...I HAVE HAD NO COFFEE TODAY....GRR!!

Now that we got that out of the way....here is what I am thankful for today...I am thankful for Carbon Monoxide Detectors...because we have one installed in every room of our house, we are grateful to even be alive today. I am thankful for people like the gas man and the heating and cooling people and their skills to be able to come fix our problem and get our house back to normal functionality. I am thankful for my parents and for their willingness to open their house up to us last night and today while we figure out the furnace situation. I am thankful for girlfriends who listened to me vent about my day. I am thankful for Jesus for protecting our family and for reminding me that he will never give me more than I can handle...because even though this day has been a wreck...it's all within the realm of things we can handle....it too shall pass. And I am thankful for my husband for leading our family and taking care of us through all of this...even if I would have done it differently! :)

So as I said today is the start of "7". The beginning of my mutiny against excess, the start of my path to a more Christ-like simplicity in my life. I am eager for this adventure and where it will take me mentally and spiritually. Today I begin the next 30 days of eating just 7 foods, drinking water and just  1 other drink (still undecided...debating between orange juic and 1 additional condiment (ranch will be mine....don't judge) and only other seasonings are olive oil, salt & pepper. I have chosen for my foods Chicken, Eggs, Apples, Bananas, Spinach, Carrots & Whole Wheat Bread. PRAY FOR ME!!!

Last night I was treated by my husband to 90 minutes of alone time snuggled in my bed watching "People Like Us". I am pretty sure he granted me this just so he didn't have to watch the movie with me, but that's not really my point.

I enjoyed this movie. It's not a story that I can relate to personally, but what I can relate to is the moral of the story. Which is that siblings really are the only people who truly understand what it's like to grow up with the same life. I am very forutnate to have an amazing husband that fits into my family like he has always been there...I am pretty sure that my parents actually love him more than me at times. And he would probably say the same thing about me and his family. I adore Cory's family, they are like my second (and third) parents and his siblings are like my very own. But what's missing for both of us with our "in-laws" is that "I get you" unspoken language.

You see my sister and I have a bond that is different from all others. We are not just sisters we are best friends. We spend WAY more time with eachother than what is healthy. But when we go a day apart...we miss eachother. Only the two of us know what it was like to grow up in our house. To eat the kinds of food that my mom made (or burned), to share the traditions as kids that we shared, to laugh together, to cry together, to sneak out together. As much as I love Cory's siblings there are times when I look at them and say..."I just don't understand your thought process here." It may be sad, but I never have that with my own sister...I get it, I get her. Maybe it's because we grew up very close, only 16 months apart in age, both girls and we had amazing parents that taught us how to love. I know it's not like that for everyone so I am not speaking on behalf of all siblings of the world here, just my own experience. Basically what I am trying to say is that I am so grateful for my sister. She is a true blessing to my life and I am so happy that she lives close and we can spend so much time together. She has her differences from and that's ok, good actually.

Siblings, however can go beyond blood. I am thankful everyday for the opportunity to be a part of a bigger family, God's family. You see I am not only a child of Rod & Brenda Anderson, I am a child of God. And the beauty of this family is that it's not just 1 or 2 or 7 siblings...its the world, millions of people are God's children and He welcomes EVERYONE into his family. What I love about this family is that it's not just your blood siblings that "get it" it's your brothers and sisters in Christ, they all "get it". They all understand you and have walked a road similar to yours. They are there to laugh with you, cry with you, encourage you, keep you accountable....be your family when you might not have one. So I encourage you today, if you are struggling with a sibling, pray for them and pray that God will provide you with another child of His to be your sibling. Reach out to God's family and you will never feel more welcome anywhere else...you will be able to say "I get it" too!


    I am Jen (mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend and SERVANT). Welcome to my blog. This is where I unload my thoughts and inspirations! I recently asked several of my friends and family to describe me in one word and this is what I got....ORGANIZED (#1), Dependable (#2), Honest, Sincere, Genuine, Thoughtful, Energetic, Stylish (not sure agree with this one), and one word that I actually do agree with...UNSETTLED! I am always searching for something it seems, one thing I do know for sure is that I am a child of God and no matter what I search for here on earth....my search will end one day when I meet my Saviour face to face in Heaven. So enjoy the blog....I hope you find the descriptions of me to be true...there are probably a few that weren't submitted that are also true...welcome to me!


    July 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013